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Here are some reminders for the busy week ahead. Please mark these on your calendars and frequent our Facebook page so you don’t miss out on last minute changes. Wed., Sept. 28, 5:30-8 p.m.: UAS Fall Kickoff. Join us for FREE PIZZA and fun at Giovanni’s in IV. We’d especially like to extend an invitation to our more seasoned third and fourth-years, who can welcome newer members and share their previous fall recruiting experiences. Fri., Sept. 30, 3-5 p.m. in SRB Multipurpose Room: Resume and Cover Letter Critique. Please bring copies of your resume to get some helpful feedback. Note: don’t wait until Friday to make revisions to your resume; feel free to visit Courtney in the Career Connection office (NH 2119) Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-12 p.m. to get reviewed. Bring your “most beautiful” copy to Friday’s event and you’ll get so much more out of it. See the “To Do” List! Y’all really do have a lot to get done in the next two weeks. We’ve attached a helpful list to help you keep track. As soon as we get the correct information, we will be posting a list of the firms attending Meet the Firms. Visit our event page to see last year’s list. Next week… October 3: DEADLINE!!!!! Last day to sign-up for Meet the Firms. Do not wait until then because space is limited. Oct. 3: Moss Adams Info Session, 5-6 p.m. in NH 1006 Oct. 4: Mid-Tier Resume Critique, 2-4 p.m. in Loma Pelona 1108- Reps from Mid-tier firms will be here to give feedback on your resume. (*Cough, cough* Get exclusive access to professionals prior to MTF). Oct. 4: Local Firm Panel, 6:30 p.m. in NH 1006 Oct. 5: Mid-Tier Panel, 5:30 p.m. in IV Theater 2 Oct. 6: Big Four Panel, 6:30 p.m. in IV Theater 2 Oct. 7: MEET THE FIRMS, 5-8 p.m. at the Bacara Resort & Spa In case you haven’t noticed, there is literally something going on every day next week, so please, get your “To Do” list done this week to free up your time next week. As always, remember to follow us on all our social media platforms and regularly check our website for updated info. We’re always adding new events. Have a great week and be audit you can be! Best, Candice Comments are closed.
April 2024